Emmanuel Clapsis
Fr. Emmanuel Clapsis is Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, Massachusetts. His academic interests include ecumenism, the public presence and witness of Orthodoxy in a pluralistic world, and globalization and religion. Clapsis is the author of Orthodoxy in the New World and editor of The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic World: An Ecumenical Conversation (2004). He has served as the vice moderator of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and has participated in the theological dialogues of the Orthodox Church with the Evangelical Lutheran Church (USA) and the Roman Catholic Church. Clapsis holds a B.A. from Hellenic College, M.Div. from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and STM, M.Ph., and Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary (New York).