The Community of Believers
Twelfth Building Bridges Seminar: The Believing Community Video Player
Monday, May 27-29, 2013
The theme of the twelfth Building Bridges Seminar, held May 27-29, 2013 at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar, and chaired by Professor Daniel A. Madigan, S.J., was "The Believing Community: Christian and Muslim Perspectives." On the first day three pairs of public lectures were given by Gavin D’Costa and Abdullah Saeed, Lucy Gardner and Feras Hamza, and Ahmet Alibasic and Brandon Gallaher. These covered the following themes: the nature and purpose of the community; unity and disunity in the life of the community; and continuity and change in the life of the community. On the second and third days of the seminar participants engaged in detailed discussion in private sessions, focusing on relevant scriptural texts. Excerpts from the proceedings of this seminar are available in PDF form, provided by Georgetown University Press.
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2013 Building Bridges Participants